Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Feel the Burn...

Skymall - Spring 2007 - 06
Originally uploaded by altuwa
Thinking that I might have to resort to this little piece of equipment after today's 180 squats???
Anyone else?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Some More Links for Us to Check Out

Originally uploaded by WICKYE's
Ladies, Sharon had sent me some links to check out and add to our blog. I added them and you should be able to click on the links to the right to get to each site. They all have great info and ideas. I also had heard about another site called Spark People. I checked it out briefly and it looks good. I think that it has message boards also.
Let us know what you think and if you find something that we should check out.
Have a great weekend. Anyone up to posting a challenge for a Monday workout?
TGIF - Jess

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am so proud that you reached your 1st goal of 20#'s. It is defenitly noticeable. Your hard work is paying off! Again, it is not all about the weight loss, but when you can put being more fit and the weight loss together you really feel like it is all worth it. Keep up the great job. You are truly motivating me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Trying to be techy here...

Phisio Ball Clip Art
Originally uploaded by jessbecause2008
I have been trying to figure out ways to add clip art, photos from the web, etc. to my blogs. So this is a test... hope it works!

Thought we needed a color change

Better than changing our hair color!

Will this motivate you?

When we talked about starting a blog for our group we talked about how it could be a great tool to motivate and make us more accountable in our fitness goals. I know that our schedules are all different and some days are easier than others to squeeze time in for a workout. I know that some days I need an extra push to get going or not give up on myself.
With the above thoughts in mind I thought that I would post what I am going to do tomorrow [Wed.] as far as a workout goes in hopes that it will help to motivate you towards your fitness goals. I am going to do a 30 minute walk on the t-mill - am trying to work my way up to running most of the 30 minutes so I will walk for 5 minutes, run for 7 minutes and walk for the remaining 18 minutes. Then I am going to do 10 pull ups, overhand grip on the total gym at level 6, 10 pull ups, underhand grip, same level - 2 sets. 2 sets of 25 squats on the total gym - highest [steepest incline] level. 50 sit ups. Share with me what your plans are.
I hope that this does not come across as "lofty" or "show boaty", as this is not my intention. Please tell me if you feel that way.
Have a great day and I'll see you on Thursday!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Looks like a good recipe to try...

Hi All! I was looking for a good, non-cream based soup to try and make, maybe this weekend. I like to try and make soup because then you can have it for lunch a few days and freeze any extra for another time. This recipe looked good and I checked out the nutritional info. The fat grams seem a little high but I think that's because of the avocado and in that case it's okay because avocado's fat is "good" fat. I pasted the link below, so check it out! Jess


WH Fitness Challange

Well I think we did pretty well today with the fitness test. I keep asking myself when am I going to stop being sore, and when is it going to get any easier!!!!! Trina we missed you today. If you want to do the test let me know. We did only 4 tests and it only takes 3-5 min. In regards to the T-mill test, walk at a fast speed 5 min, then restart your T-mill so it reads 0 miles. Next run as far as you can for 5 min. The scores are as follows:

Aspiring- 10 min mile ( 1/2 mile or less on your Tmill in the 5 mins)
Solid- 8-10 min mile ( 1/2 -3/4 of a mile in 5 mins)
Strong- faster than an 8 min mile ( more than 2/3 of a mile in 5 min)

Let me know your results when you are done and I will keep them so we can do it again in 1 month. Aerobic capacity has never been one of my strong points!!!!! I just finished the t-mill and scored a .52 mile. Nothing like just squeezing into the next level. Try to complete this by Tues. Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Make the Most of your Day!

How about this challenge... tomorrow, Wednesday, whenever you have the chance to do some "little extras"... do some squats, tighten your glutes and hold for as long as you can, repeat, do calf raises, take the stairs, choose a parking spot that requires you to walk further, do 30 high kicks each side. Drink a glass of milk!

Thought that I would post this tonight so that you can start bright and early. Remember, anything extra that you do will only help get you closer to your goal.

Feel free to post some of your own "little extras" that you like to do each day.

It's hump day [and I don't mean your backsides, Ladies]! tee hee



On Thursday morning prior to Bethanys workout Jessica and myself are going to assess our level of fitness on five different exercises that will give us a fitness score. They say, once we figure this out we are ready to start working towards a stronger, hotter you. Well I am sure we will be able to calculate the score, but I am not exactly sure about the second part. Please come and participate with us, because when we are hot and you are not I don't want you to say it was not fair (I am just killing myself).

Also, for the rest of the week everyone should make sure that they are drinking 32-40oz of water daily. This is an area I am lacking in. Please comment daily if you have.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Some thoughts

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910

I am a simple human being, living every moment as it comes, making the most of every opportunity. Every day is a new lesson in my own ignorance. In the end, I hope to live justly and correctly. This is all that I can do.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

ok who said that Sunday was a day of rest

Sunday's Afternoon Body & Mind Challenge!

I challenge you to do the following before you go to bed tonight. Doesn't matter if you already worked out or not. Doesn't matter if this is your day off. Are you up for it?

  • 50 squat tosses [squat holding a medicine ball & as you come up toss it to your partner, squat and catch the ball as your partner throws it back to you] If you don't have a medicine ball do dumbbell swings.
  • 50 Leg tosses
  • 50 push ups

Hey, that's not a ton to do. It's more than you may have done though! Gets you closer to your goal. Who's in? Post a comment to this entry... click on comment below! Come on, I challenge you to learn about blogging and accomplish a fitness goal!

Happy Birthday to Me...

You know that you're serious about getting into shape when you do the following even on your birthday...
  • Walk/ Hike down the East side of Hemlock Lake ~ 2hours, not sure how many steps because my pedometer had came unclipped and only read 260 steps.
  • Did a Total Gym work -out
  • When your sister calls all the way from Baghdad,Iraq to wish you a Happy Birthday and the majority of your conversation is about the Cross Fit web site and the workout programs that she put together.
  • Asked Rick and the Kids not to make a birthday cake because I didn't want the temptation around.
  • Asked for and received a 12# medicine ball for a birthday gift.

Like I said, it's a step or two in the right direction!

Bye for now! Jess

Our Blog is Born!

Well Ladies, here it is! Our very own Blog to journal our journey to being healthier, more fit and thinner. I was able to set it up so that you can all post messages on the blog. Feel free to look around, it's really pretty easy. I added some links and a category for other blogs. Let me know if want me to add anything. I tried to add some clip art pictures that were rather funny but for some reason I cannot get them to copy... a question for someone more tech savvy than myself!
Hopefully we can make daily posts on the blog and it will serve as another motivational tool for us. If you are at all like me, then you'll like the fact that this adds another sense of accountability. Post about workouts, recipes, what you did fitness wise for the day, reminders about 10,000 steps/day, drinking water... hell bitch about something if it'll make you feel better.

Since we started this program together back in September I have felt so much better about myself and my health. This is the first time in a very long time that I have been able to stay on track. It is because of you ladies and your commitment that I have been able to not give up on myself. Sometimes it seems like a never ending task, but I can now look at it as a goal that I am accomplishing one day at a time. I have also decided that this is more of a lifestyle change than a long term goal of "getting to a certain weight,etc."
I hope that I serve as an inspiration to all of you when you need a "pick-me-up" because you all do that for me. Until next post.... Jess