Thursday, April 3, 2008

You Rock!

Ladies, You're amazing! Just wanted to let you know that I think that my drive/motivation is back. You all helped with that, so Thank you! After the last three workouts, I feel like I'm back on track. Plus it helps to know that there is no way in hell that I would have been able to finish the same workouts 6 months ago when we all started this journey. I couldn't have done this without you! I'm glad we have one another to push each other, struggle through a hellaious workout together, sweat profusely with and or course, laugh with!

I like Dawn's idea of setting a goal for the month. I'll join Dawn in the weight loss goal, Sharon in her a little extra something each day... today I walked the loop when I got home from work and Bethany's, increasing our dairy consumption - had my 3 servings today. I'll bring my medicine ball on T&TH and hopefully we can squeeze in a few reps after our workout.

You Go Girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hye girls. I too want to thank you so so much for doing this! I think my mojo is back. Just think it will be bathig suit weather soon. If that isn't a little extra incentive!!! Just remember more importantly that our physical appearance is that we are living a healthier lifestlye, which will benefit us and our family. Wow that was kinda heavy.
I'll bring my ball too.
Chanllenge: 25 push ups, 25 pull ups, body plank for Sat and/or Sun.